Community Directory Listing Form

HILO App Dashboard Community Directory
(does not appear on Hilo app)

Business Category for Directory

Keywords for search

Business Logo
Your business logo will appear in a circle (see sample above). We recommend you choose the same business logo you use on social media platforms.

Recommended size: 150px wide x 150px high, rgb, 72dpi, file formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, eps or png, maximum file size 2MB
Business Image

Provide an image for the 'Business Detail' page that is representative of your business (see sample above). If an image is not provided, the business logo will be used in the image area.

Recommended size: 1125px wide x 639px high, rgb, 72dpi, file formats: jpg, jpeg, gif or png, maximum file size 2MB

*Required field By submitting this form, I verify that I am authorized to submit this information to post on HILO app on behalf of the business listed above. I understand that HILO may contact me regarding this submission if there are any questions. If you experience any technical issues with this form please contact or call 416.449.7700 or 1.833.HILOAPP (1.833.445-6277).