Buildings don’t need building apps!
There, I’ve said it. And I will say it over and over again.
Install a building app. That is not a checkbox that should be on any building owner or property manager’s to-do list.
What should be on their to-do list? Figure out how to connect more effectively with the people who work in, live in, or visit their building.
That is at the heart of why HILO exists.
We are dedicated to working collaboratively to create the largest and best Tenant Experience Network in the world, enriching the lives of people by building stronger connected communities. Whether people are at work or at home, we want to help make their lives easier and better.
To achieve this, we must first recognize that buildings are not silos. They are a vibrant and interconnected part of a larger community, neighborhood and city. People seamlessly come and go, and engage as they need or desire. Especially now, as the trend towards flexibility in commercial real estate emerges, and will continue to evolve and take on new dimensions over time.
Professor, Urbanist and Writer, Richard Florida, recently spoke at the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) panel discussion on “Why Downtowns and Central Business Districts Matter”, and introduced the notion of City/Neighborhood as Office. Richard shared:
This was music to our ears! Unlike building apps that silo one building, HILO is the only solution that connects people to their building community, neighborhood, and city, where they work, live or visit.
Not convinced? Consider these scenarios:
Scenario 1
A large global developer implements a self-branded building app for their mega-complex. Two years down the road, that developer sells a 50% interest in the property to another large global developer. The new developer partner doesn’t want to have the original developer’s self-branded building app used at the property, because the brand only reflects the original developer, and does not represent the new developer or their joint ownership.
Scenario 2
A developer, with their name attached to the building, implements a building app that is branded to the property and their corporate name. A year later, the developer sells their 100% interest in the building to another developer. The new developer doesn’t want to continue with the original developer’s self-branded app used at the property, as it is no longer relevant.
Scenario 3
A national property management company implements a self-branded building app at several buildings on behalf of the owner of the properties. The contract for the property management company is not renewed at the end of the agreement, and another property management company is appointed. The new property management company doesn’t want to inherit the building app that was self-branded by the original property management company, because it doesn’t reflect their own brand. Furthermore, the new property management company doesn’t currently have their own tenant experience platform.
In all these scenarios, the original investments of time, money and resources to get a tenant experience platform up and running is all but lost. In most cases, the effort is not transferable, and requires a complete restart, likely involving a rebrand or onboarding users to an entirely new system. Add to all that, the disruption and brand confusion is passed along to the tenants and users of the platform. This is not a winning strategy for tenant engagement.
Your tenant experience platform should stand the test of time and survive unforeseen changes in property ownership and/or management. Creating connected communities and providing an evergreen solution is central to our DNA at HILO.
Think Airbnb and Uber
Short term rental properties partner with Airbnb, and drivers sign on to Uber, to access all that their networks have to offer. Both companies offer reach, expertise, connection and support. Why go it alone, when you can tap into the bandwidth that comes from being associated with a hugely successful and powerful brand? The HILO dashboard integrates with, and unifies different tech solutions into a single point of access that users will love, and our Network is for all buildings to join, adopting their unique tech stack to maximize user engagement. We are building a consumer branded network that will delight its users, while supporting building owners and operators by offering a world class technology solution.
Put people first!
For the CRE industry, the shift from building ownership to places for people is complete. Buildings are managed by people, for people. It stands to reason that any technology solution must first start with what people need. At HILO, we get that. Our Network speaks to and understands the needs of people in buildings, while also delivering on everything the building operator wants. Our team of marketing and engagement experts provide ongoing hands-on support to help building operators create unrivaled content, programs and Rewards, uniquely tailored to their building community. We are putting people first, striving to provide the best possible customer experience and engagement.
As HILO continues to build the largest and best Tenant Experience Network, and not just provide another building app, we will be relentless in our commitment to deliver what people need most.