Happy National Hamburger Day!
Friday, May 28 marks National Hamburger Day, a day that our team at HILO takes very, very seriously. Did you know the Hamburger originates from Hamburg, Germany, but the hamburger as we know it was developed in Seymour, Wisconsin?
As we eagerly look forward to celebrating on Friday, here’s an insider look at our favorite burgers.
David – Garrison House
The Garrison Burger, topped with Horseradish Mayonnaise, Beer Mustard, Sauteed Red Wine Onions, Double Smoked Bacon and Lettuce.
Kirk – In-N-Out Burger
Double-Double Animal Style, with Lettuce, Tomato, Mustard, Hot Peppers, and Grilled Onions.
Stacey – Five Guys
Cheeseburger, with Lettuce, Tomatoes, and Ketchup.
Emily – Golden Star
Homeburger, with Ketchup, Mayo, Lettuce, Pickles and Sautéed Onions.
Josh – Richmond Station
Station Burger, topped with Garlic Aioli, Beet Chutney, Pickled Onions and Aged Cheddar.
Hannah – The Burger’s Priest
New York’s Finest Taxi Service, with Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cheese and Onions.
Jack – Webers
Double-Patty Burger, with Lettuce, Onion, Tomatoes, Salt and Pepper/Seasoning.
Evergreen – The Burger’s Priest
Classic Cheeseburger, with Onions, Mustard, Mayo and Pickles.
From all of us at HILO, wishing you a Happy Hamburger Day!