With a little help from our friends
This is clearly not business as usual. That being said, businesses have certainly found incredible ways to continue to operate, be productive and take care of their employees.
We have heard over and over again that some of the greatest companies were born during financial downturns and were able to meet the emerging needs of businesses on the road to economic recovery.
The startup/tech ecosystem that Hilo is a part of has really taken a leadership position, by offering new techniques and solutions for staying connected, supporting, and educating our community of founders and entrepreneurs.
I want to acknowledge the efforts of our partners who are offering programs, content and expertise to ensure that Hilo is well positioned to meet the opportunity that will surely come next, as we move beyond these challenging times.
A huge shout out to the incredible dedication and commitment from the team at Acceleprise, and their many mentors and advisors who continue to engage with startup cohorts in San Francisco, New York City and of course, Toronto. The depth and breath of their knowledge and experience is next level… thank you! As well, to our business partners at Deloitte for providing their clients access to experts in a number of professional categories that are intended to help drive our business forward.