The time to prepare is now!
You are likely starting to plan for the day that tenants return to your building. The experience that you offer your tenants has to be even better than it was before. Creating procedures and communication strategies to make sure they feel safe and secure in their new environment is top priority. It’s also time to remind them why they love working in your building.
We recognize that you will be making unprecedented changes to your business to adapt to the new normal. While this is a time of uncertainty, it is also an opportunity to revisit the tenant experience in your building knowing that the rules of engagement have changed and we can no longer accept the status quo.
We have created a framework that can help you with this planning process right now.
Consider new protocols and procedures around tenant experience at your property:
- Building access
- Use of elevators
- Services and amenities
- Health and safety
- Operation of food service tenants
- Operation of other retail tenants
- Access to public spaces
- Common areas
- Cleaning protocols
Once new protocols and procedures have been determined, your attention must shift to creating a communications strategy that will allow you to convey confidence and trust to your tenants so that they know you are ready to welcome them back to your building. It is also important to consider that some members of your building community will continue to work from home. Ensuring that you have a tool in place to communicate information in a timely manner regardless of where your tenants might be located will be imperative.
Your communication strategy should include consideration of the following:
- Channels and tactics
- Frequency
- Key messaging and subject matter
- Target audiences
- Content development
- Publishing schedule
- Monitoring and feedback
- Resource allocation and management
Your strategic plan can be built out in 3 phases; NOW, NEXT and LATER. As this is a fluid process, planning in a flexible phased approach will allow for changes to be made on the fly as the situation evolves and you receive feedback and data from various stakeholders.
As the world settles into a new normal, the desire for community will be like never before. While the rules of engagement may be different, the need to be more connected with your tenants will be stronger than ever.
Our team has 25+ years of CRE experience and we are here to help you plan right now. Please reach out if we can work with you to enhance your tenant experience and plan for the day that your building community returns.
Contact David Abrams at 416 449 4519 or david@hiloapp.com.